Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Success Challenges in Business and Marketing with Chaffee-Thanh Nguyen

Success Challenges


Biggest challenges to success…

1) Comfort Zone – No sense of Urgency


2) Fear – of failure, success, unknown

Paralysis Analysis

No Action

3) Lack of Belief in oneself

Constantly questioning

Giving up

4) No Plan of Action – No Strategy

No Consistency

No Persistence

5) No Coach, guide, mentor

6) Not taking responsibility for your own life.

Blaming others and other things

Not accepting/taking control

7) No Team / Doing everything yourself

#ScottPaton #BusinessSuccess #Mindset



Monday, November 23, 2020

Free eBooks - Warren Whitlock

Warren Whitlock’s mission to help brands improve the results of their digital marketing.

Throughout his career, he has created new strategies to use influence and persuasion to help his clients to achieve their goals.

“I set hard sales goals and measured performance but never forget that people hate being sold, but love to buy.”

Warren Whitlock has been an entrepreneur in the computer, publishing, and media industries. He looks for collaborations where brands can share resources, extend their reach and give customers an experience they will want to share with others.

Warren currently partnering with IBM Futurists and a few brands and startups along with keynotes where I can engage executives transforming their organizations for an abundant future.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Tim Cooper and Local Marketing

Have Your Website Work For You

A website that has been optimized for the search engines will bring prospective customers to your site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your pages must not only include meaningful information that your visitors find interesting, they must also include just the right mix of keywords to help the search engines understand what your site is about and what products and services you offer.

In other words, your site must be informative to the reader, while providing context to the robots that crawl your pages.

A balance must be maintained. Readability and grammar are important, while using too many keywords can actually hurt your rankings.

But, when done right, you’re site will rank well and help bring more customers to your business. Which, after all, is why you invested in a web presence in the first place.