Always Have The Right Contract With Language To Protect You And Yield All Possible Profits - Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator #10
Over the years as I've been in this business now for over 40 years and I've learned a lot of things in what to do and what not to do. I can tell you that one of the most powerful things I ever learned way back in the beginning was to have the right paperwork. And I'm not talking about a standard realtors agreement because the realtors agreement first is designed to protect the realtor, second, to protect the seller and third, to protect the buyer.
What I found is that I really needed two different contracts. I needed a buying contract and I needed a selling contract. I needed one that had negotiation built into the paperwork and I needed one that had profit centers built into the paperwork.
Over the years I designed one that was truly amazing and it helped a lot of my students. I've got clients in all 50 states and 16 foreign countries and they just brag about my paperwork and I say it's best in the industry and I'm very proud of that. I've worked hard to do that. I figured out what works and what doesn't. A paragraph, a phrase, a word, it can make all the difference in success in your paperwork.
I put together something and it may be valuable to you and I've got a standard real estate purchase and sale agreement. One of the things I've got in there is the seller pays all closing costs and I break it down what the closing costs are. Well, of course that's negotiable, but what if they don't negotiate? You could pay for all of your cost of funds just by the seller paying all the closing costs and there's a lot more in there that can protect you.
Things like when does the contract expire and what if you had the never ending contract where if a seller wasn't going to close or didn't come to the closing, you had a contract that didn't expire and there's so many other protections in there that are necessary for you. It's important because you could spend a lot of money getting ready to close on a transaction. You could have a title search done, you could have inspections done on the home, you could have a survey done, and then all of a sudden the seller doesn't show up to close.
How do I know this? Yes, I have lived it. So I've learned that there's some things I've got to do to protect myself and I've got mediation and binding arbitration built in so we don't have to go through a protracted legal battle and just things to entice the seller to get themselves to the table if they changed their mind or want to change their mind.
And I'm not saying that I don't give people an out, but we've got some things that can protect you from losing a lot of money. And that's really what it's designed to do. Now, my system called “Buying Volume One” and it is available for you at now, under tools, you'll see what buying is all about, but it's got all of the forms, the step by step processes, the marketing, everything that we do to buy properties that I've used for many, many years and proven that it absolutely works. So check it out when you get a chance.
To watch the next part of the video go to: How and Why to Have the Seller pay all Closing Costs -
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
Always have the right contract with language to protect you and yield all possible profits.
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Sunday, January 31, 2021
How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing - Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator #1
How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing - Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator #1
Have a plan of action such as a business plan before you start. Well, it's a funny thing. I've worked with real estate investors all across the country and for many years I've been teaching since 1987 and one of the things I discovered is that a lot of people, whether they've already started or just getting started, don't have a plan. Now, what I mean by plan is you got to figure out what you're up to. What are you trying to create with your life, with your business? And one of the things that I always think about is the fact that when you get on an airplane, the oxygen mask drops down.
And what do they say? They say, put it on yourself first. So one of the things that you got to do is take care of yourself first. Your ego. You got to get the stuff that you want. You know, God created an amazing planet and there's all kinds of wonderful things on here for us to take advantage of. So what resonates with you? What makes your heart sing? What's your list of stuff that you want? I've got a few examples for you here. Now, what is it that you want? Is it houses? Is it cars? Is it boats?
And you know, I've got students here, right? Is it college? Is it college for yourself? Is it college for a family member, for kids, for our grandkids? Is it something that you want to give to someone else in terms of education? How about travel? Travel to where, where do you want to go in this incredible world?
It's a beautiful planet. The only problem is all the good stuff is not together. It's spread out all over the place. So where do you want to go in your life and what kind of experience do you want to have? Do you want an RV? You know, what kind of RV do you want? Now what are you going to do? And what I want you to do is when you make this list, be specific like houses. Where do you want these houses to be and how large do you want the house to be and how much is that house going to cost?
Start to think about what it is that you want. Start to cut out pictures of things or print out pictures off of the internet. What is it that is in your dream, in your vision of what you want. Cars? What brand do you want? What year, what make, what model? What color? Boats, what model, what length of boat, what style? Is it a yacht? College? Where? How much does that cost? Let's put a list together.
What I want you to do is make that list, add everything up and a line and that's your number. That's your big number, but there's a second number I want you to come up with and that's your monthly number. How much does it costs to own these things? What's the monthly that we need to have coming in in order to be able to accomplish those goals in order to have those things and to keep those things too.
I had one student, she wanted a budget of $10,000 per month for her shoes now. So it's whatever you want in your life. Let's make a list. Let's have a great plan. What we're going to do is follow a formula in order to build the size of business that you need in order to accomplish those things.
To watch the next part of the video go to: How Real Estate Investors Can Eliminate Competition and Find Leads - Accelerator # 02 -
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing Cash Flow Accelerator #1
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Have a plan of action such as a business plan before you start. Well, it's a funny thing. I've worked with real estate investors all across the country and for many years I've been teaching since 1987 and one of the things I discovered is that a lot of people, whether they've already started or just getting started, don't have a plan. Now, what I mean by plan is you got to figure out what you're up to. What are you trying to create with your life, with your business? And one of the things that I always think about is the fact that when you get on an airplane, the oxygen mask drops down.
And what do they say? They say, put it on yourself first. So one of the things that you got to do is take care of yourself first. Your ego. You got to get the stuff that you want. You know, God created an amazing planet and there's all kinds of wonderful things on here for us to take advantage of. So what resonates with you? What makes your heart sing? What's your list of stuff that you want? I've got a few examples for you here. Now, what is it that you want? Is it houses? Is it cars? Is it boats?
And you know, I've got students here, right? Is it college? Is it college for yourself? Is it college for a family member, for kids, for our grandkids? Is it something that you want to give to someone else in terms of education? How about travel? Travel to where, where do you want to go in this incredible world?
It's a beautiful planet. The only problem is all the good stuff is not together. It's spread out all over the place. So where do you want to go in your life and what kind of experience do you want to have? Do you want an RV? You know, what kind of RV do you want? Now what are you going to do? And what I want you to do is when you make this list, be specific like houses. Where do you want these houses to be and how large do you want the house to be and how much is that house going to cost?
Start to think about what it is that you want. Start to cut out pictures of things or print out pictures off of the internet. What is it that is in your dream, in your vision of what you want. Cars? What brand do you want? What year, what make, what model? What color? Boats, what model, what length of boat, what style? Is it a yacht? College? Where? How much does that cost? Let's put a list together.
What I want you to do is make that list, add everything up and a line and that's your number. That's your big number, but there's a second number I want you to come up with and that's your monthly number. How much does it costs to own these things? What's the monthly that we need to have coming in in order to be able to accomplish those goals in order to have those things and to keep those things too.
I had one student, she wanted a budget of $10,000 per month for her shoes now. So it's whatever you want in your life. Let's make a list. Let's have a great plan. What we're going to do is follow a formula in order to build the size of business that you need in order to accomplish those things.
To watch the next part of the video go to: How Real Estate Investors Can Eliminate Competition and Find Leads - Accelerator # 02 -
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing Cash Flow Accelerator #1
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Secret Note Leveraging Techniques
How can a guy do almost 50 deals all over the country and never received a single phone call from a tenant about toilets?
This question will be answered in this episode of Noteschool with Eddie Speed, Brian Lauchner, and Joe Varnadore, with their special guest, Justin Bogard.
They have an interesting topic to discuss that will surely pique the interest of a lot of wholesalers, rehabbers, and even landlords. This is the topic that will explain the essence of note business.
In Noteschool, they talked about how to make money “today” using note strategies. Their guest, Justin a student of Noteschool is here to share some of these techniques that you can possibly learn from.
Justin can be described as someone who’s got “the full package”. He is an amazing note investor, an expert in raising private capital, he has his own successful meet-up. Most of all he is a multi-award winner every year at Note Expo. He is the Investor of the Year 2020 for Noteschool.
Watch this video, listen to this powerful group, and learn more.
Landlords are burning out. Tenants are behind on rent payments. Toilets are backing up.
Uncover Why Savvy Investors Use Proven Mortgage Note Strategies for Massive Monthly Profits In Today’s Ever-Changing Market… Risk-Free!
Discover more about Note School and profiting without Tenants, Toilets and by taking our FREE one day class:
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Download a Brand-New eBook by Eddie Speed
It’s A Whole New Ball Game With Creative Financing
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#NoteSchool #EddieSpeed #RealEstate #MortgageNotes
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This question will be answered in this episode of Noteschool with Eddie Speed, Brian Lauchner, and Joe Varnadore, with their special guest, Justin Bogard.
They have an interesting topic to discuss that will surely pique the interest of a lot of wholesalers, rehabbers, and even landlords. This is the topic that will explain the essence of note business.
In Noteschool, they talked about how to make money “today” using note strategies. Their guest, Justin a student of Noteschool is here to share some of these techniques that you can possibly learn from.
Justin can be described as someone who’s got “the full package”. He is an amazing note investor, an expert in raising private capital, he has his own successful meet-up. Most of all he is a multi-award winner every year at Note Expo. He is the Investor of the Year 2020 for Noteschool.
Watch this video, listen to this powerful group, and learn more.
Landlords are burning out. Tenants are behind on rent payments. Toilets are backing up.
Uncover Why Savvy Investors Use Proven Mortgage Note Strategies for Massive Monthly Profits In Today’s Ever-Changing Market… Risk-Free!
Discover more about Note School and profiting without Tenants, Toilets and by taking our FREE one day class:
Latest Class Information:
Download a Brand-New eBook by Eddie Speed
It’s A Whole New Ball Game With Creative Financing
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#NoteSchool #EddieSpeed #RealEstate #MortgageNotes
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An Overlooked Way to Make Real Estate Profits - Marketing to NEW Neighborhoods #6
An Overlooked Way to Make Real Estate Profits - Marketing to NEW Neighborhoods #6
Market to newer neighborhoods where the owners have little or negative equity. If you think about it, newer neighborhoods, they paid retail for those homes and in many cases; the builders are still building theirs and competing now against someone who may want to actually get rid of their property. So that can be a real opportunity for you to step in and take over the existing financing on the property. I bought my first house when I was 18 years old by taking over the existing financing on the property.
One of the most powerful things I've ever learned in real estate in my entire 40 plus year career in doing real estate. It's been fantastic and I will tell you that when you don't have to go to the bank, you don't have to qualify for loans. You don't have to resource. It's a phenomenal way to buy real estate.
To watch the next part of the video go to: Are You Using "I Buy Houses" Signs to Generate Seller Leads
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems, and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
An Overlooked Way to Make Real Estate Profits - Marketing to NEW Neighborhoods #6
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Market to newer neighborhoods where the owners have little or negative equity. If you think about it, newer neighborhoods, they paid retail for those homes and in many cases; the builders are still building theirs and competing now against someone who may want to actually get rid of their property. So that can be a real opportunity for you to step in and take over the existing financing on the property. I bought my first house when I was 18 years old by taking over the existing financing on the property.
One of the most powerful things I've ever learned in real estate in my entire 40 plus year career in doing real estate. It's been fantastic and I will tell you that when you don't have to go to the bank, you don't have to qualify for loans. You don't have to resource. It's a phenomenal way to buy real estate.
To watch the next part of the video go to: Are You Using "I Buy Houses" Signs to Generate Seller Leads
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems, and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
An Overlooked Way to Make Real Estate Profits - Marketing to NEW Neighborhoods #6
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The Number 1 Mistake Landlord Makes
Lou Brown is buying, holding, and selling property for over 40 years. He was also once a landlord that’s why he knows what he is talking about.
What he discovered was that being a “landlord”, for the lack of a better word, “sucks”. It is not the best thing to do. For him, this is his biggest mistake in the real estate business.
He loves residual income and rental property can provide it.
The question is, how to get to the other side of the table from landlord to tenant?
To answer that question, watch this video.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
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What he discovered was that being a “landlord”, for the lack of a better word, “sucks”. It is not the best thing to do. For him, this is his biggest mistake in the real estate business.
He loves residual income and rental property can provide it.
The question is, how to get to the other side of the table from landlord to tenant?
To answer that question, watch this video.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
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People who bought a house who couldn't before
Lou Brown is your local certified affordable housing provider. He helps people end up with homeownership regardless of credit or financial background.
This is what he loves about this business. Homeownership changes lives and helps families to grow.
Watch this video to know some of the people that they helped to achieve their own homes.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
This is what he loves about this business. Homeownership changes lives and helps families to grow.
Watch this video to know some of the people that they helped to achieve their own homes.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
Kakki Court
This video is about a deal that Lou has been working on. It was such a fantastic and fun experience for him.
The owner of this property approached Lou and asked for his consultation before they sold the property. They had moved out of the house years before. At first, the owner wants to do the fix-up, change-outs, and rehab of the property themselves.
In fact, they already hired 7 contractors over a period of several years but sad to say the result is a disaster.
Partially because of their inexperience and not understanding how to get bids from contractors. Most importantly though, they do not know how to put things into writing that goes with rehabbing a property.
Because of these issues, they end up hiring Lou to gain his expertise in real estate.
If you want to know what the Street Smart Ways that Lou shares with this particular client, just watch this video.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
The owner of this property approached Lou and asked for his consultation before they sold the property. They had moved out of the house years before. At first, the owner wants to do the fix-up, change-outs, and rehab of the property themselves.
In fact, they already hired 7 contractors over a period of several years but sad to say the result is a disaster.
Partially because of their inexperience and not understanding how to get bids from contractors. Most importantly though, they do not know how to put things into writing that goes with rehabbing a property.
Because of these issues, they end up hiring Lou to gain his expertise in real estate.
If you want to know what the Street Smart Ways that Lou shares with this particular client, just watch this video.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
All About Inspection
In this video, Lou will talk about his Path To Homeownership clients.
First, these clients joined the membership then they moved into one of their properties.
Once they move in, Lou’s group needs to make sure that the clients are taking good care of the property, thus having an annual inspection.
The annual inspection is done 90 days before the expiration of the client’s rental agreement.
Whenever someone is having a “rent to own” agreement with Lou it means that there are 2 agreements that exist.
One is the standard “rental agreement”. The other one is the “option agreement” which provides the tenant the option to purchase that property.
If you are someone who is looking to become a homeowner watch this video and learn the Path To Homeownership Program.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
First, these clients joined the membership then they moved into one of their properties.
Once they move in, Lou’s group needs to make sure that the clients are taking good care of the property, thus having an annual inspection.
The annual inspection is done 90 days before the expiration of the client’s rental agreement.
Whenever someone is having a “rent to own” agreement with Lou it means that there are 2 agreements that exist.
One is the standard “rental agreement”. The other one is the “option agreement” which provides the tenant the option to purchase that property.
If you are someone who is looking to become a homeowner watch this video and learn the Path To Homeownership Program.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
14 Inspections I Did Last Week and Team Building
Do you think that Lou made these 14 inspections?
There is no way that he will be able to do 14 inspections and do other things that he needs to do.
This is the importance of building and having a team.
A team that understands the program and what you are trying to accomplish. Someone that knows their position and role so that they can perform their job effectively.
Gear yourself towards a business that operates likes a business. Do not wear all the hats. Learn to trust a team.
Watch this video and learn more about how to have and work with a great team.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
There is no way that he will be able to do 14 inspections and do other things that he needs to do.
This is the importance of building and having a team.
A team that understands the program and what you are trying to accomplish. Someone that knows their position and role so that they can perform their job effectively.
Gear yourself towards a business that operates likes a business. Do not wear all the hats. Learn to trust a team.
Watch this video and learn more about how to have and work with a great team.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! - Lou Brown
Lou would like to greet everyone a very Merry Christmas!
This is the time to celebrate. The year 2020 is almost over and we are entering the New Year!
Get ready to face an amazing 2021 and the great things that are coming into your life.
Let’s look forward to having incredible events and happenings this year.
Good Luck! Good Health! And May God Bless Us All!
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
This is the time to celebrate. The year 2020 is almost over and we are entering the New Year!
Get ready to face an amazing 2021 and the great things that are coming into your life.
Let’s look forward to having incredible events and happenings this year.
Good Luck! Good Health! And May God Bless Us All!
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
Inspirational Feedback on Lou Brown‘s "Buy, Hold, Sell" Book
Lou wrote a book entitled “Buy, Hold, Sell.”
This is the culmination of Lou’s life’s work. It took him almost a dozen years to write this to provide you with lots of details and resources. Hoping that this will become a great help when you enter the world of the real estate business.
Today, Lou received a text message from Bill, one of his licensees containing inspirational feedback about the book.
“It’s a golden path, the yellow brick road to the land of aaahh’s or is that ah-ha’s! Very powerful and inspiring to read. We get this in pieces in classes and homework and workbooks. But I recommend reading this in as few sittings as possible. As much as you can at once. It takes all those scenes in order and makes it all flow into a movie in your mind. When you understand all the terms and concepts you can sit back and enjoy the true story being told right before your eyes. I read it in two days. Got goosebumps twice. Will try to remember where to re-reread and report. Well written.” - Bill
Click this link to get a five-dollar discount.
Take advantage of this great opportunity and just like Bill learned a lot of valuable information about real estate.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
This is the culmination of Lou’s life’s work. It took him almost a dozen years to write this to provide you with lots of details and resources. Hoping that this will become a great help when you enter the world of the real estate business.
Today, Lou received a text message from Bill, one of his licensees containing inspirational feedback about the book.
“It’s a golden path, the yellow brick road to the land of aaahh’s or is that ah-ha’s! Very powerful and inspiring to read. We get this in pieces in classes and homework and workbooks. But I recommend reading this in as few sittings as possible. As much as you can at once. It takes all those scenes in order and makes it all flow into a movie in your mind. When you understand all the terms and concepts you can sit back and enjoy the true story being told right before your eyes. I read it in two days. Got goosebumps twice. Will try to remember where to re-reread and report. Well written.” - Bill
Click this link to get a five-dollar discount.
Take advantage of this great opportunity and just like Bill learned a lot of valuable information about real estate.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
What to do in times of uncertainty | How the election will change real estate | Lou Brown Explains
We are experiencing some serious times of uncertainty in real estate. Wouldn't you agree with me? I have a ton of students and asking me, how the election will change real estate and how the pandemic has changed real estate.
Wow, these are great questions, and I have the answers.
Whether you want to dip your toes in the world of real estate investing, or you already have some experience and want to do better, I have solutions for you!
To start, how about you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for just $1
you can do that here:
When there's a change in tax code, there is a literal upheaval in the marketplace, meaning that people that were planning based on the old tax code are now losers in the new tax code. So there's always winners and losers whenever there's a change of administration in the White House. And we need to be aware of that and plan accordingly.
Learn about this, and much more, when you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for simply $1!
Watch Video
Wow, these are great questions, and I have the answers.
Whether you want to dip your toes in the world of real estate investing, or you already have some experience and want to do better, I have solutions for you!
To start, how about you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for just $1
you can do that here:
When there's a change in tax code, there is a literal upheaval in the marketplace, meaning that people that were planning based on the old tax code are now losers in the new tax code. So there's always winners and losers whenever there's a change of administration in the White House. And we need to be aware of that and plan accordingly.
Learn about this, and much more, when you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for simply $1!
Watch Video
Saturday, January 30, 2021
How to properly knock on doors of those in foreclosure - Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator #4
How to Properly Knock on Doors of Those in Foreclosure - Lou Brown's 101 Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator # 4
Knock on doors of those in foreclosure. Now be careful in your state. There may be restrictions to approaching people in foreclosure. Find out, but there are only a couple of states in the country that have a problem with that. The rest of the days have no problem, and if you think about it, when does somebody really need you? They need you when they're having an issue. Maybe they lost their job, maybe something happened in their life and they just need to get rid of this problem of this real estate.
You can step in, maybe you can reinstate the loan. Maybe there are things that you can do to take over that property and take care of the issue.Now you say, well, that sounds great, Lou. But here's what I want you to be careful about. Don't just go to somebody and say; “Hey, I hear you're in foreclosure. Would you like to sell your home?” That's not a good plan. Just knock on the door and say; “Hey, do you know of any houses for sale in this neighborhood? I'd love to buy a house in this neighborhood.”
Then see what their response is. That might open the door for you to come in and talk to them about their situation. Now, couple of thoughts you might ask. Well, where is it that I'm going to find out about these foreclosures? Well, we have an amazing piece of software. You can look at it. It's at You can look at this amazing piece of software that we use every day in our business and one of the aspects of the software is when we can step in and find out all the foreclosures within a particular neighborhood. You literally draw a square around a neighborhood and you can find out all the people that are in default in that neighborhood.
To watch the next part of the video go to: How to correctly send letters and postcards to out-of-town property owners
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems, and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
How to properly knock on doors of those in foreclosure
You can also listen to the podcast from:
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Knock on doors of those in foreclosure. Now be careful in your state. There may be restrictions to approaching people in foreclosure. Find out, but there are only a couple of states in the country that have a problem with that. The rest of the days have no problem, and if you think about it, when does somebody really need you? They need you when they're having an issue. Maybe they lost their job, maybe something happened in their life and they just need to get rid of this problem of this real estate.
You can step in, maybe you can reinstate the loan. Maybe there are things that you can do to take over that property and take care of the issue.Now you say, well, that sounds great, Lou. But here's what I want you to be careful about. Don't just go to somebody and say; “Hey, I hear you're in foreclosure. Would you like to sell your home?” That's not a good plan. Just knock on the door and say; “Hey, do you know of any houses for sale in this neighborhood? I'd love to buy a house in this neighborhood.”
Then see what their response is. That might open the door for you to come in and talk to them about their situation. Now, couple of thoughts you might ask. Well, where is it that I'm going to find out about these foreclosures? Well, we have an amazing piece of software. You can look at it. It's at You can look at this amazing piece of software that we use every day in our business and one of the aspects of the software is when we can step in and find out all the foreclosures within a particular neighborhood. You literally draw a square around a neighborhood and you can find out all the people that are in default in that neighborhood.
To watch the next part of the video go to: How to correctly send letters and postcards to out-of-town property owners
Google Play:
Podcast Page:
RSS Feed:
Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems, and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
How to properly knock on doors of those in foreclosure
You can also listen to the podcast from:
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What's Possible With Notes? Plus an Incredible Real Estate Investing Case Study!
We have a special guest, Marishka Pilch to talk about how her latest note investment performed better than she could ever imagine!
Plus, we go into the possibilities of Note investing and Creative Financing to uncover some ‘secrets’ of real estate that the banks don’t want you to know.
Successful real estate investors live in very nice homes and can pull in a million or two in take-home pay. Kenneth D. Lewis Chairman and CEO of Bank of America makes $24.8 million a year.
New York Mellon Bank‘s Robert P. Kelly, Chief Executive Officer makes $20.1 million, while his sidekick, Thomas A. Renyi, Executive Chairman, pulls in $22.2 million!
And you can guess how hard they work!
So what do the banks know that most Americans don’t? You’ll start discovering the answer to that question on Wednesday’s live broadcast.
We say it’s better to be the bank and not deal with messy rehabs, crazy tenants, and stinky toilets!
Landlords are burning out. Tenants are behind on rent payments. Toilets are backing up.
Is there an alternative?
Uncover Why Savvy Investors Use Proven Mortgage Note Strategies for Massive Monthly Profits In Today’s Ever-Changing Market… Risk-Free!
Discover more about Note School and profiting without Tenants, Toilets and by taking our FREE one day class:
Latest Class Information:
Download a Brand-New eBook by Eddie Speed
It’s A Whole New Ball Game With Creative Financing
Feeding Frenzy Friday -
#NoteSchool #EddieSpeed #RealEstate #MortgageNotes
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Plus, we go into the possibilities of Note investing and Creative Financing to uncover some ‘secrets’ of real estate that the banks don’t want you to know.
Successful real estate investors live in very nice homes and can pull in a million or two in take-home pay. Kenneth D. Lewis Chairman and CEO of Bank of America makes $24.8 million a year.
New York Mellon Bank‘s Robert P. Kelly, Chief Executive Officer makes $20.1 million, while his sidekick, Thomas A. Renyi, Executive Chairman, pulls in $22.2 million!
And you can guess how hard they work!
So what do the banks know that most Americans don’t? You’ll start discovering the answer to that question on Wednesday’s live broadcast.
We say it’s better to be the bank and not deal with messy rehabs, crazy tenants, and stinky toilets!
Landlords are burning out. Tenants are behind on rent payments. Toilets are backing up.
Is there an alternative?
Uncover Why Savvy Investors Use Proven Mortgage Note Strategies for Massive Monthly Profits In Today’s Ever-Changing Market… Risk-Free!
Discover more about Note School and profiting without Tenants, Toilets and by taking our FREE one day class:
Latest Class Information:
Download a Brand-New eBook by Eddie Speed
It’s A Whole New Ball Game With Creative Financing
Feeding Frenzy Friday -
#NoteSchool #EddieSpeed #RealEstate #MortgageNotes
Watch Video
Friday, January 29, 2021
The Number 1 Mistake Landlord Makes
Lou Brown is buying, holding, and selling property for over 40 years. He was also once a landlord that’s why he knows what he is talking about.
What he discovered was that being a “landlord”, for the lack of a better word, “sucks”. It is not the best thing to do. For him, this is his biggest mistake in the real estate business.
He loves residual income and rental property can provide it.
The question is, how to get to the other side of the table from landlord to tenant?
To answer that question, watch this video.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
What he discovered was that being a “landlord”, for the lack of a better word, “sucks”. It is not the best thing to do. For him, this is his biggest mistake in the real estate business.
He loves residual income and rental property can provide it.
The question is, how to get to the other side of the table from landlord to tenant?
To answer that question, watch this video.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
People who bought a house who couldn't before
Lou Brown is your local certified affordable housing provider. He helps people end up with homeownership regardless of credit or financial background.
This is what he loves about this business. Homeownership changes lives and helps families to grow.
Watch this video to know some of the people that they helped to achieve their own homes.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
This is what he loves about this business. Homeownership changes lives and helps families to grow.
Watch this video to know some of the people that they helped to achieve their own homes.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
Kakki Court
This video is about a deal that Lou has been working on. It was such a fantastic and fun experience for him.
The owner of this property approached Lou and asked for his consultation before they sold the property. They had moved out of the house years before. At first, the owner wants to do the fix-up, change-outs, and rehab of the property themselves.
In fact, they already hired 7 contractors over a period of several years but sad to say the result is a disaster.
Partially because of their inexperience and not understanding how to get bids from contractors. Most importantly though, they do not know how to put things into writing that goes with rehabbing a property.
Because of these issues, they end up hiring Lou to gain his expertise in real estate.
If you want to know what the Street Smart Ways that Lou shares with this particular client, just watch this video.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
The owner of this property approached Lou and asked for his consultation before they sold the property. They had moved out of the house years before. At first, the owner wants to do the fix-up, change-outs, and rehab of the property themselves.
In fact, they already hired 7 contractors over a period of several years but sad to say the result is a disaster.
Partially because of their inexperience and not understanding how to get bids from contractors. Most importantly though, they do not know how to put things into writing that goes with rehabbing a property.
Because of these issues, they end up hiring Lou to gain his expertise in real estate.
If you want to know what the Street Smart Ways that Lou shares with this particular client, just watch this video.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
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All About Inspection
In this video, Lou will talk about his Path To Homeownership clients.
First, these clients joined the membership then they moved into one of their properties.
Once they move in, Lou’s group needs to make sure that the clients are taking good care of the property, thus having an annual inspection.
The annual inspection is done 90 days before the expiration of the client’s rental agreement.
Whenever someone is having a “rent to own” agreement with Lou it means that there are 2 agreements that exist.
One is the standard “rental agreement”. The other one is the “option agreement” which provides the tenant the option to purchase that property.
If you are someone who is looking to become a homeowner watch this video and learn the Path To Homeownership Program.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
First, these clients joined the membership then they moved into one of their properties.
Once they move in, Lou’s group needs to make sure that the clients are taking good care of the property, thus having an annual inspection.
The annual inspection is done 90 days before the expiration of the client’s rental agreement.
Whenever someone is having a “rent to own” agreement with Lou it means that there are 2 agreements that exist.
One is the standard “rental agreement”. The other one is the “option agreement” which provides the tenant the option to purchase that property.
If you are someone who is looking to become a homeowner watch this video and learn the Path To Homeownership Program.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
14 Inspections I Did Last Week and Team Building
Do you think that Lou made these 14 inspections?
There is no way that he will be able to do 14 inspections and do other things that he needs to do.
This is the importance of building and having a team.
A team that understands the program and what you are trying to accomplish. Someone that knows their position and role so that they can perform their job effectively.
Gear yourself towards a business that operates likes a business. Do not wear all the hats. Learn to trust a team.
Watch this video and learn more about how to have and work with a great team.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
There is no way that he will be able to do 14 inspections and do other things that he needs to do.
This is the importance of building and having a team.
A team that understands the program and what you are trying to accomplish. Someone that knows their position and role so that they can perform their job effectively.
Gear yourself towards a business that operates likes a business. Do not wear all the hats. Learn to trust a team.
Watch this video and learn more about how to have and work with a great team.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! - Lou Brown
Lou would like to greet everyone a very Merry Christmas!
This is the time to celebrate. The year 2020 is almost over and we are entering the New Year!
Get ready to face an amazing 2021 and the great things that are coming into your life.
Let’s look forward to having incredible events and happenings this year.
Good Luck! Good Health! And May God Bless Us All!
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
This is the time to celebrate. The year 2020 is almost over and we are entering the New Year!
Get ready to face an amazing 2021 and the great things that are coming into your life.
Let’s look forward to having incredible events and happenings this year.
Good Luck! Good Health! And May God Bless Us All!
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
Inspirational Feedback on Lou Brown‘s "Buy, Hold, Sell" Book
Lou wrote a book entitled “Buy, Hold, Sell.”
This is the culmination of Lou’s life’s work. It took him almost a dozen years to write this to provide you with lots of details and resources. Hoping that this will become a great help when you enter the world of the real estate business.
Today, Lou received a text message from Bill, one of his licensees containing inspirational feedback about the book.
“It’s a golden path, the yellow brick road to the land of aaahh’s or is that ah-ha’s! Very powerful and inspiring to read. We get this in pieces in classes and homework and workbooks. But I recommend reading this in as few sittings as possible. As much as you can at once. It takes all those scenes in order and makes it all flow into a movie in your mind. When you understand all the terms and concepts you can sit back and enjoy the true story being told right before your eyes. I read it in two days. Got goosebumps twice. Will try to remember where to re-reread and report. Well written.” - Bill
Click this link to get a five-dollar discount.
Take advantage of this great opportunity and just like Bill learned a lot of valuable information about real estate.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
This is the culmination of Lou’s life’s work. It took him almost a dozen years to write this to provide you with lots of details and resources. Hoping that this will become a great help when you enter the world of the real estate business.
Today, Lou received a text message from Bill, one of his licensees containing inspirational feedback about the book.
“It’s a golden path, the yellow brick road to the land of aaahh’s or is that ah-ha’s! Very powerful and inspiring to read. We get this in pieces in classes and homework and workbooks. But I recommend reading this in as few sittings as possible. As much as you can at once. It takes all those scenes in order and makes it all flow into a movie in your mind. When you understand all the terms and concepts you can sit back and enjoy the true story being told right before your eyes. I read it in two days. Got goosebumps twice. Will try to remember where to re-reread and report. Well written.” - Bill
Click this link to get a five-dollar discount.
Take advantage of this great opportunity and just like Bill learned a lot of valuable information about real estate.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
What to do in times of uncertainty | How the election will change real estate | Lou Brown Explains
We are experiencing some serious times of uncertainty in real estate. Wouldn't you agree with me? I have a ton of students and asking me, how the election will change real estate and how the pandemic has changed real estate.
Wow, these are great questions, and I have the answers.
Whether you want to dip your toes in the world of real estate investing, or you already have some experience and want to do better, I have solutions for you!
To start, how about you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for just $1
you can do that here:
When there's a change in tax code, there is a literal upheaval in the marketplace, meaning that people that were planning based on the old tax code are now losers in the new tax code. So there's always winners and losers whenever there's a change of administration in the White House. And we need to be aware of that and plan accordingly.
Learn about this, and much more, when you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for simply $1!
Watch Video
Wow, these are great questions, and I have the answers.
Whether you want to dip your toes in the world of real estate investing, or you already have some experience and want to do better, I have solutions for you!
To start, how about you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for just $1
you can do that here:
When there's a change in tax code, there is a literal upheaval in the marketplace, meaning that people that were planning based on the old tax code are now losers in the new tax code. So there's always winners and losers whenever there's a change of administration in the White House. And we need to be aware of that and plan accordingly.
Learn about this, and much more, when you attend my next all day Wealth Builder Workshop for simply $1!
Watch Video
Secret Note Leveraging Techniques
How can a guy do almost 50 deals all over the country and never received a single phone call from a tenant about toilets?
This question will be answered in this episode of Noteschool with Eddie Speed, Brian Lauchner, and Joe Varnadore, with their special guest, Justin Bogard.
They have an interesting topic to discuss that will surely pique the interest of a lot of wholesalers, rehabbers, and even landlords. This is the topic that will explain the essence of note business.
In Noteschool, they talked about how to make money “today” using note strategies. Their guest, Justin a student of Noteschool is here to share some of these techniques that you can possibly learn from.
Justin can be described as someone who’s got “the full package”. He is an amazing note investor, an expert in raising private capital, he has his own successful meet-up. Most of all he is a multi-award winner every year at Note Expo. He is the Investor of the Year 2020 for Noteschool.
Watch this video, listen to this powerful group, and learn more.
Landlords are burning out. Tenants are behind on rent payments. Toilets are backing up.
Uncover Why Savvy Investors Use Proven Mortgage Note Strategies for Massive Monthly Profits In Today’s Ever-Changing Market… Risk-Free!
Discover more about Note School and profiting without Tenants, Toilets and by taking our FREE one day class:
Latest Class Information:
Download a Brand-New eBook by Eddie Speed
It’s A Whole New Ball Game With Creative Financing
Follow us:
#NoteSchool #EddieSpeed #RealEstate #MortgageNotes
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This question will be answered in this episode of Noteschool with Eddie Speed, Brian Lauchner, and Joe Varnadore, with their special guest, Justin Bogard.
They have an interesting topic to discuss that will surely pique the interest of a lot of wholesalers, rehabbers, and even landlords. This is the topic that will explain the essence of note business.
In Noteschool, they talked about how to make money “today” using note strategies. Their guest, Justin a student of Noteschool is here to share some of these techniques that you can possibly learn from.
Justin can be described as someone who’s got “the full package”. He is an amazing note investor, an expert in raising private capital, he has his own successful meet-up. Most of all he is a multi-award winner every year at Note Expo. He is the Investor of the Year 2020 for Noteschool.
Watch this video, listen to this powerful group, and learn more.
Landlords are burning out. Tenants are behind on rent payments. Toilets are backing up.
Uncover Why Savvy Investors Use Proven Mortgage Note Strategies for Massive Monthly Profits In Today’s Ever-Changing Market… Risk-Free!
Discover more about Note School and profiting without Tenants, Toilets and by taking our FREE one day class:
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It’s A Whole New Ball Game With Creative Financing
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107 Red Flags! Active Income Passive Wealth Show
1. What do you do about judgments or liens if you are the lender?
2. What are some red flags I should be aware of if I want to refinance out of hard money?
Carolina Capital is a hard money lender serving the needs of the “Real Estate Investor” and the "Small Builder" borrower who is striving to build wealth and generate income for themselves and their families. We offer “hard money rehab loans” and "Ground-up Construction Loans" for investors only in NC, SC, GA, VA, and TN (some areas of FL, as well).
As part of our business practices, we also serve as consultants for investors guiding them to network with other investors and educating them in locating and structuring transactions. Rarely, if ever, will you find a hard money lender willing to invest in your success like Carolina Capital Management.
Listen to our Podcast:
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#Northcarolinahardmoneylenders #Southcarolinahardmoneylenders #HardMoney #RealEstateInvesting #realestatefinancing #mortgage #privatelending
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2. What are some red flags I should be aware of if I want to refinance out of hard money?
Carolina Capital is a hard money lender serving the needs of the “Real Estate Investor” and the "Small Builder" borrower who is striving to build wealth and generate income for themselves and their families. We offer “hard money rehab loans” and "Ground-up Construction Loans" for investors only in NC, SC, GA, VA, and TN (some areas of FL, as well).
As part of our business practices, we also serve as consultants for investors guiding them to network with other investors and educating them in locating and structuring transactions. Rarely, if ever, will you find a hard money lender willing to invest in your success like Carolina Capital Management.
Listen to our Podcast:
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#Northcarolinahardmoneylenders #Southcarolinahardmoneylenders #HardMoney #RealEstateInvesting #realestatefinancing #mortgage #privatelending
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How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing - Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator #1
How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing - Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator #1
Have a plan of action such as a business plan before you start. Well, it's a funny thing. I've worked with real estate investors all across the country and for many years I've been teaching since 1987 and one of the things I discovered is that a lot of people, whether they've already started or just getting started, don't have a plan. Now, what I mean by plan is you got to figure out what you're up to. What are you trying to create with your life, with your business? And one of the things that I always think about is the fact that when you get on an airplane, the oxygen mask drops down.
And what do they say? They say, put it on yourself first. So one of the things that you got to do is take care of yourself first. Your ego. You got to get the stuff that you want. You know, God created an amazing planet and there's all kinds of wonderful things on here for us to take advantage of. So what resonates with you? What makes your heart sing? What's your list of stuff that you want? I've got a few examples for you here. Now, what is it that you want? Is it houses? Is it cars? Is it boats?
And you know, I've got students here, right? Is it college? Is it college for yourself? Is it college for a family member, for kids, for our grandkids? Is it something that you want to give to someone else in terms of education? How about travel? Travel to where, where do you want to go in this incredible world?
It's a beautiful planet. The only problem is all the good stuff is not together. It's spread out all over the place. So where do you want to go in your life and what kind of experience do you want to have? Do you want an RV? You know, what kind of RV do you want? Now what are you going to do? And what I want you to do is when you make this list, be specific like houses. Where do you want these houses to be and how large do you want the house to be and how much is that house going to cost?
Start to think about what it is that you want. Start to cut out pictures of things or print out pictures off of the internet. What is it that is in your dream, in your vision of what you want. Cars? What brand do you want? What year, what make, what model? What color? Boats, what model, what length of boat, what style? Is it a yacht? College? Where? How much does that cost? Let's put a list together.
What I want you to do is make that list, add everything up and a line and that's your number. That's your big number, but there's a second number I want you to come up with and that's your monthly number. How much does it costs to own these things? What's the monthly that we need to have coming in in order to be able to accomplish those goals in order to have those things and to keep those things too.
I had one student, she wanted a budget of $10,000 per month for her shoes now. So it's whatever you want in your life. Let's make a list. Let's have a great plan. What we're going to do is follow a formula in order to build the size of business that you need in order to accomplish those things.
To watch the next part of the video go to: How Real Estate Investors Can Eliminate Competition and Find Leads - Accelerator # 02 -
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing Cash Flow Accelerator #1
You can also listen to the podcasts here:
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Have a plan of action such as a business plan before you start. Well, it's a funny thing. I've worked with real estate investors all across the country and for many years I've been teaching since 1987 and one of the things I discovered is that a lot of people, whether they've already started or just getting started, don't have a plan. Now, what I mean by plan is you got to figure out what you're up to. What are you trying to create with your life, with your business? And one of the things that I always think about is the fact that when you get on an airplane, the oxygen mask drops down.
And what do they say? They say, put it on yourself first. So one of the things that you got to do is take care of yourself first. Your ego. You got to get the stuff that you want. You know, God created an amazing planet and there's all kinds of wonderful things on here for us to take advantage of. So what resonates with you? What makes your heart sing? What's your list of stuff that you want? I've got a few examples for you here. Now, what is it that you want? Is it houses? Is it cars? Is it boats?
And you know, I've got students here, right? Is it college? Is it college for yourself? Is it college for a family member, for kids, for our grandkids? Is it something that you want to give to someone else in terms of education? How about travel? Travel to where, where do you want to go in this incredible world?
It's a beautiful planet. The only problem is all the good stuff is not together. It's spread out all over the place. So where do you want to go in your life and what kind of experience do you want to have? Do you want an RV? You know, what kind of RV do you want? Now what are you going to do? And what I want you to do is when you make this list, be specific like houses. Where do you want these houses to be and how large do you want the house to be and how much is that house going to cost?
Start to think about what it is that you want. Start to cut out pictures of things or print out pictures off of the internet. What is it that is in your dream, in your vision of what you want. Cars? What brand do you want? What year, what make, what model? What color? Boats, what model, what length of boat, what style? Is it a yacht? College? Where? How much does that cost? Let's put a list together.
What I want you to do is make that list, add everything up and a line and that's your number. That's your big number, but there's a second number I want you to come up with and that's your monthly number. How much does it costs to own these things? What's the monthly that we need to have coming in in order to be able to accomplish those goals in order to have those things and to keep those things too.
I had one student, she wanted a budget of $10,000 per month for her shoes now. So it's whatever you want in your life. Let's make a list. Let's have a great plan. What we're going to do is follow a formula in order to build the size of business that you need in order to accomplish those things.
To watch the next part of the video go to: How Real Estate Investors Can Eliminate Competition and Find Leads - Accelerator # 02 -
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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.
Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.
#RealEstateInvesting #RealEstate #RealEstateForBeginners #PrivateMoney #FlippingHouses #Probate #AntFarm #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor
How to Create a Plan So You Succeed in Real Estate Investing Cash Flow Accelerator #1
You can also listen to the podcasts here:
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Thursday, January 28, 2021
The Number 1 Mistake Landlord Makes
Lou Brown is buying, holding, and selling property for over 40 years. He was also once a landlord that’s why he knows what he is talking about.
What he discovered was that being a “landlord”, for the lack of a better word, “sucks”. It is not the best thing to do. For him, this is his biggest mistake in the real estate business.
He loves residual income and rental property can provide it.
The question is, how to get to the other side of the table from landlord to tenant?
To answer that question, watch this video.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
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What he discovered was that being a “landlord”, for the lack of a better word, “sucks”. It is not the best thing to do. For him, this is his biggest mistake in the real estate business.
He loves residual income and rental property can provide it.
The question is, how to get to the other side of the table from landlord to tenant?
To answer that question, watch this video.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
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People who bought a house who couldn't before
Lou Brown is your local certified affordable housing provider. He helps people end up with homeownership regardless of credit or financial background.
This is what he loves about this business. Homeownership changes lives and helps families to grow.
Watch this video to know some of the people that they helped to achieve their own homes.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
This is what he loves about this business. Homeownership changes lives and helps families to grow.
Watch this video to know some of the people that they helped to achieve their own homes.
Lou Brown has training coming up it’s available at www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online
It’s an all-day training in the comfort of your own home where Lou is going to teach you how to find a buyer before even finding a property. He’s also going to teach you how to protect all your assets using land trusts and personal property trusts.
Discover how to start investing in real estate at Millionaire Jumpstart.
* Money Making Secret #1: Getting Motivated Sellers to Call You!
No more calling unmotivated sellers and getting rejected more times than a geek for the high school prom!
I’ll show you how for over 28 years, I’ve been able to get deals brought to me and motivated sellers hunting me down to give me their house.
* Money Making Secret #2: The Art of Structuring Deals!
I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I love to share how I get sellers to give me the house, a check, and even a jet ski or two.
* Money Making Secret #3: Negotiating Secrets Revealed!
I love to negotiate, just ask Matt, one of my hand-picked coaches. We recently went to an estate sale and he witnessed me structuring a deal to buy the house and contents right there on the spot.
* Money Making Secret #4: Trusts Simplified!
A little confused on this entire Trust thing? Why to do it? How to do “Subject-To” safely? I’m going to show you my new fundamentals of Trusts training that will simplify the concept of Trusts, so a 9-year-old child can understand it.
* Money Making Secret #5: Develop a Plan for Success in Real Estate.
The wealthiest man ever to walk the earth left clues for us on how he amassed his great wealth and kept it.
How to Help People While Helping Yourself – Become a Certified Affordable Housing Provider™
Create Your 10 Million Dollar Retirement Plan – specific formula revealed
Learn Hidden Profits Available in ANY Deal – worth thousand$
How to Take Over the Seller's Loan with NO Money
How to Have the Seller PAY YOU to Buy Their Home - no kidding!
Buying Without Bank Loans – over forty years and never one bank loan!!
Easy Ways to LEGALLY Raise Big Money for Your Deals
Renovations – Quick Ways to Safely Make Huge Cash Now
Money-Making Management Secrets from a 40 year veteran who manages over 150 now
Accelerating Your Cash Flow – Add built-in “Profit Centers” – extra hundred$ per month
Case Studies: Secrets of How They Were Found, Negotiated and Sold
How to Protect Your Deal from Someone Else Stealing it
Legally Pay ZERO Taxes on Your Real Estate Portfolio – simple structure worth thousands
Having Tenants Leave Your Property in Better Condition than When You Gave It to Them
Why Land and Personal Property Trusts are the Best Privacy and Asset Protection
Benefits of Trusts You Cannot Get With ANY Other Entity
The Due-on-Sale Clause – What it is and How to Avoid it Legally
And MUCH More
Attend this power-packed “one-of-a-kind” best of the best training on making money in real estate investing!
Call 1-800-578-8580
Watch Video
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