Saturday, May 1, 2021

Get Help! - Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator #3

Get Help! - Lou Brown's 101 Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator # 3

Get help! Use bird dogs that can bring leads, knock doors and follow up on leads you give to them.
A bird dog is the name we give to people who are in a neighborhood anyway and looking for deals for us. Examples, could be a homeowner you know, the mailman, the UPS driver, the local school teacher, anyone really.
Now, what do I mean by that? Well, listen, if you're really going to build a team, if you're going to build a flow of leads coming to you, it's amazing that in every neighborhood, sooner or later somebody's going to need to sell that house, not want to sell that house, but need to sell that house. Sometimes it's because a family member passed away and they need to get rid of the real estate because the inheritors just already have a home and they don't need another one. Others is because they're in some kind of emergency may be they just got a job transfer and they need to move someplace else.
If you've got somebody going and knocking on doors and asking; Hey, do you know anyone in this neighborhood that has a home for sale? And then opening the door to what about this one? Then you're getting leads that nobody else knows about. And that's one of my favorite things to teach my clients is how to build an amazing business receiving leads, no competition leads that nobody else knows about. You can make amazing profits with those.

To watch the next part of the video go to: How to properly knock on doors of those in foreclosure


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Investors have long regarded Lou’s training, systems and forms as the best in the industry. He has been quoted as an expert by many publications including The Wall Street Journal and Smart Money Magazine.

Lou draws from his wide and varied background as a real estate investor. Having bought property since 1977, he has invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels and developed subdivisions, as well as building and renovating homes and apartments. These experiences have given him a proving ground for the most cutting-edge concepts in the real estate investment industry today.

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Get Help! - Lou Brown's 101 Street Smart Cash Flow Accelerator # 03

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