Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Why Real Estate Is I.D.E.A.L. - “A” =Appreciation - Part 4

“A” =Appreciation

Historically real estate has gone up in value over time. This Appreciation is somewhat predictable depending on the area of the country in which you live. Inflation plays a role and in almost any case, you can force appreciation through improving the property.

Real estate appreciation is what most folks point to as their foundation of lifetime wealth. But they are usually referring to the one property they own — the house they live in. What if you had several houses and/or apartments? That would grow your wealth faster and farther. But we’re not finished yet!

Inflation is a real thing.

Forced Appreciation vs Enjoying Appreciation

0:01 - Introduction - “ Real estate the I.D.E.A.L. Investment”
0:28 - https://www.LandLordReliefPKG.com
- Long-term solution for landlords & tenants
1:20 - Lou’s wins of the week
6:20 - https://www.HouseMonster.com
- Teaching you how to find the buyer first before you buy the property
8:12 - Path To Home Ownership Program
9:46 - Ask Lou anything about the real estate business
10:32 - A for Appreciation - Real Estate is the I.D.E.A.L. Investment
15:20 - Next week’s topic: L for Leverage
Questions for Lou
15:44 - What is the difference between equity and appreciation?
17:02 - Appreciation a long-term strategy
21:03 - Do you have a preference between gaining an appreciation versus quick cash that can be turned around and reinvested?
22:38 - How can I make my property appreciate more?
24:10 - Additional insights about appreciation.
26:40 - Accumulate Property
27:21 - Is there a sort of “dummies” guide to figuring out which areas will have the greatest level of appreciation?
29:42 - Aug 27th, 28th & 29th - https://www.MillionaireJumpStart.com/...

If you are JUST getting started in real estate investing, you NEED to attend my ONE-DAY virtual training. I teach it LIVE over ZOOM, and it's only $1 (yes, one dollar) for SIX HOURS of solid how-to training! https://www.wealthbuilderworkshop.online

If you're ready for a more in-depth experience, then you owe it to yourself to investigate my THREE- DAY Millionaire Jumpstart Event. I host it four times a year in various locations, and you can attend LIVE and in person. I'm your coach all three days.
Find out more at https://millionairejumpstart.com/

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