Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Why Real Estate Is I.D.E.A.L. - “I” = Income - Part One | Street Smart Investor

Part one of Five: “I” = Income

Income is an important element of any good investment... without it, you have to carry costs such as taxes, insurance, and any interest expense out of your own pocket. When you rent to someone else, they cover all those costs plus a return on your investment. But here’s the big news... your income is hedged against inflation. As the value of the dollar declines and prices rise, so does your rental income. If you have fixed costs such as interest on the loan, you benefit from paying back the debt with deflating dollars while your income goes up. And it gets better!

Next week we talk about “D” for Depreciation.

This is the topic of this Tuesday’s LIVE STREAM with Lou Brown. Lou has been an investor and mentor for over 40 years. Thousands and thousands of people have come to Lou to learn his unique approach to real estate investing.

0:01 - Introduction - “ A $730k deal! Now that’s an I.D.E.A.L. real estate investment”
0:24 - Walking With The Wise in Real Estate - Lou Brown
1:18 - Real estate is the I.D.E.A.L investment
2:23 - This week let’s talk about INCOME
10:18 - $5 discount for Lou’s “Buy, Hold, Sell” book -
11:19 - https://www.WealthBuilderWorkshop.Online - on July 31st - register for $1
17:58 - Different cash flow or Income you can get when involve in real estate.
20:49 - How do you get tenants to pay costs, such as taxes, insurances, etc.?
23:25 - Recent deals Lou is working on now.
27:23 - Does the House Monster system teach you how to negotiate?
29:40 - Lou’s parting comments: Why not buy a property right now? Why wait?

If you are JUST getting started in real estate investing, you NEED to attend my ONE-DAY virtual training. I teach it LIVE over ZOOM, and it's only $1 (yes, one dollar) for SIX HOURS of solid how-to training!

If you're ready for a more in-depth experience, then you owe it to yourself to investigate my THREE- DAY Millionaire Jumpstart Event. I host it four times a year in various locations, and you can attend LIVE and in person. I'm your coach all three days.
Find out more at

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