Thursday, September 30, 2021

10. Having a plan - 11 Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Rich people have a plan and poor people generally don't.

How to create a plan is to look at the end goal, decades ahead. Don't let life just happen. Do things each day to progress towards your end goal. And this is easier if you have a plan.

Listen to more advice by watching my other videos or signing up now with my

1. Buy and Hold
2. Value Based Buying products on sale
3. Time management - -
4. Snippets of time
5 Avoid time wasters - TV
6. Watch what people do not to what they say
7. Blaming others
8. Quitting
9. Other people’s energy - leverage
10. Having a plan
11. Take advice from people with more money than you have

#LouBrown #11ThingsPoorPeopleDoThattheRichAvoid

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