Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Best Real Estate Tips For Buyers & Sellers

Lou Brown offers the best real estate tips for buyers and sellers who are looking for insider suggestions on talking to private money lenders, how to take over the seller's loan and especially seller financing strategies.

Learn more at the upcoming Millionaire Jumpstart event:

Hi, it's Lou brown back with another of my Lu-isms; “ When now is a good time to do this”.

I have a special trick I like to call my “magic words” when dealing with sellers, buyers or lenders. And when you phrase things in a certain way, it's just amazing the results that you get. Well, I've got a lot of those magic words that I've learned over the years. In fact, I wrote a whole book on it. I've got an upcoming event called millionaire jumpstart. It's a three day training, we're going to focus on buying right and buying cheap, we're going to focus on holding those properties for the maximum amount of income, and then selling those properties to the residents that live there. I will also talk to you about protecting all that you create. You're going to be able to maximize your returns on your properties, buying right, buying cheap, having multiple profit centers, while your occupants are there and protecting using these amazing things called trusts.

So I'm going to be sharing that with you over this three day training:

Definitely get yourself booked, get yourself sequestered with me for those three days. I'm going to be the ONLY teacher. So let's go ahead and book that soon.

I look forward to seeing you soon. Yeah, baby

#Howtotakeoversellersloan #realestatetipsforbuyersandsellers #talkingtoprivatemoneylenders #sellerfinancingstrategies #LouBrown #StreetSmartInvestor

Street Smart®, Certified Affordable Housing Provider®, Path To Home Ownership®, The Whole Enchilada®, House Monster®, Millionaire Jump Start® and Louis Brown® are all Registered Trademarks owned by Trust Associates.

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