Saturday, September 25, 2021

11 MORE Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

Lou Brown is back with more things that he noticed poor people do, and rich people avoid! These are great advice for those who want to improve their lives and get out of the rat race.

What's great is that Lou has experienced being poor. He knows what it's like to go to school without lunch money or to hide from the landlord. And yet, he is successful now.

So here's the second set of 11 things poor people do that the rich avoid from Lou Brown.

Listen to more advice by watching other videos of this series or sign up now with

Second Set:
1. Intuition
2. Focus
3. Limiting beliefs
4. Entitlement
5. Following through on ideas Open to new ideas
6. Do the math
7. Saving money
8. Using credit cards
9. Spending money
10. Excuses - Gossiping and news
11. OPM

#LouBrown #11ThingsPoorPeopleDoThattheRichAvoid

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