Saturday, September 25, 2021

11. Other Peoples Money - 11 MORE Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

If you've got money yourself, you need to invest that first before you get other people's money. That's when you try to become a master asker to find someone who has money who wants to invest.

Using other people's money with the skills you've learned, you can do deals yourself and produce income forever.

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Second Set:
1. Intuition
2. Focus
3. Limiting beliefs
4. Entitlement
5. Following through on ideas Open to new ideas
6. Do the math
7. Saving money
8. Using credit cards
9. Spending money
10. Excuses - Gossiping and news
11. OPM

#LouBrown #11ThingsPoorPeopleDoThattheRichAvoid

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