Saturday, September 25, 2021

2. Focus - 11 MORE Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

For Lou Brown, focus is important to be successful. What you focus on, occurs.

Many times, people take on so many things. What happens is everything falls apart.

Plan in advance what to focus on each day and even each hour. Rule out everything else.

Listen to more advice by watching other videos or sign up now with

Second Set:
1. Intuition
2. Focus
3. Limiting beliefs
4. Entitlement
5. Following through on ideas Open to new ideas
6. Do the math
7. Saving money
8. Using credit cards
9. Spending money
10. Excuses - Gossiping and news
11. OPM

#LouBrown #11ThingsPoorPeopleDoThattheRichAvoid

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