Saturday, September 25, 2021

8. Using credit cards - 11 MORE Things Poor People Do That the Rich Avoid

One of the things Lou Brown teaches is that he has never been to the bank, he has never qualified for a loan for a single or multi-family property. This is because he learned to borrow money from nice people who want to see their money be invested.

Lou learned this early in his career because he started when he was 18 years old.

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Second Set:
1. Intuition
2. Focus
3. Limiting beliefs
4. Entitlement
5. Following through on ideas Open to new ideas
6. Do the math
7. Saving money
8. Using credit cards
9. Spending money
10. Excuses - Gossiping and news
11. OPM

#LouBrown #11ThingsPoorPeopleDoThattheRichAvoid

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